Thursday 18 June 2015

Rough cut and review

I did this rough cut to test my animation techniques and ideas. I have learnt from this and have been given feedback to develop my idea. I now have a clearer view of how the animation could turn out and also estimated a time frame to do it in (4 weeks) First i realised that i would need to add a lot more footage for the video to feel complete. I anticipated this because it is a rough cut although i think i underestimated the speed of the animation and realised quickly that one long shot for a video gets boring pretty quickly. I will need to change the speed of animation and also include many more smaller clips and shots from different angles. I didn't learn form feedback that the assets I have created are stylistically consistent which is important but the animation of them is a little rigid. I plan to fix this by developing my skills with different techniques on Adobe After Effects. I also realised how much of an improvement i could make if I times the animation to the music more effectively. This is what I will try and focus on as well as developing my idea

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