Thursday 18 June 2015

Edit And Evalutation


Through my editing process i have discovered ways in which i can improve my animation technically. I have definitley progressed in skill throughout the animation process. The edit I am doing includes me clipping together many different clips but keeping the same rough structure so it achieves what I want. I have noticed during my edit that some clips are too long and become boring i will fix this by either speeding up the clip of adding more assets and frames to make it longer. The method i choose depends on the type and length of clip I am using. I have been ajusting size, shape and movement of clips through key frames on after effects and I have realised that it is not ideal to do this after i have made a sequence. The clips are easier to manipulate before they are exported as a mov. Overall my edit has gone well and i have learned how to improve from it. I think I will get a decent result from my edit

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