Thursday 18 June 2015

Risk Assesment

I am only using a computer to create my animation therefore I have limited hazards although using a computer can be harmful to health, including staining eyes and damaging the back due to seat position and posture. I will need to make sure I sit at least 30cm from the screen when animating and to be eye level with the laptop. Also stress is an issue I have assessed because I have found that regular breaks are essential to relieve this stress and also to maximise productivity. I will be taking regular breaks from looking at the screen every 30 minutes. By sitting with a straight back I should be able to achieve this. I have assessed the risk as being low in the short term and low to medium as a long time effect that it can have on eyes and posture. I have researched the solution to help me conduct my animation safely.
 I have researched correct posture and computer station safety practice.

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