Friday 2 May 2014

P2 Voice Talent


Character is, energetic, confident, adventurous as well as being quite childish but also responsible. Always looking to have fun and enjoy himself.

Type of voice actor needed is a young boy in early teens or an adult with a slightly high voice.
Needs to have an energetic twist to his voice. But also with a serious and caring side. Someone who could emulate a teenager to make it relatable for the target audience

Dream choice- Yuri Lowenthal
He was my ideal choice because i know that his voice acting style is suited to my character after analyising parts he has been in because of his role as voice actor for Ben 10 i know he can provide the energy required for my character. He is also already relatable to viewers who are around the age range i would be targeting. He has lots of experience and think he would be a very competent voice actor for what i need

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