Sunday 26 April 2015

Octonauts, Pokemon, T.M.N.T and Adventure Time character design analysis

The facial expessions of this character are very simple and happy looking. It is important it has this simplistic style because it is aimed at a young Cbeebies audience. The character is a primary colour which is also suitable for this audience. It is comprised of a few simple shapes and clearly represents a turtle

The style is very typical of pokemon. It incorporated lots of highlights and has a 3d look. This character is instantly regognisable becasue of the style. The eyes are typical of this kind of aniamtion.
The colour blue reflects its powers. It has water based powers.

These characters are very dymanicaly shaped with muscular bodies and straight edges. This gives them an aggresive style which is suited to what they do, they are fighters. They have human like features and are more the shape of humans than turtles. Which makes they're personalities more relatable to the target audience

Adventure Time
The turtle princess in adventure time is quite a passive character and it is reflected in the illustration. Relatively small arms and legs with a big body and blonde hair. She is very simply drawn and uses a few colours without any self shading. This workd for the target audience because they are used to the simple colouring of adventure time.

Friday 24 April 2015

Initial Planning

The form of animation i am planning  is an abstract music video. Using the track 'Saukrates- Father Time' The video will be 2 minutes long so the video will be shorter than the music track. This means that i can choose good parts of the track that would would for a video. I need to match the style of music to the style of animation whilst making it entertaining and relevant to the genre and artist.

I have chosen to use part After Effects Vector animation and partly stop motion. I have chosen these forms because the music track is quite varied in the beat pattern and the music is quite different to what i have heard before so i think a more abstract approach to the animation is appropriate. Saukrate's other videos are quite abstract and don't follow a specific narrative. They include conventions of the hip hop genre and i will try to include some of these recognisable styles within my video.

The genre is sbastract animation because it doesn't follow a specific narrative but it does reflect the style of the music. This is important to make the video related to the music which will increase awareness of the video as well as the artist and the music. I hope to create something that is different and unusual but also reflects the genre and the artist. The music sticks to an old school style of hip hop and i think this should be reflected in the music video by using imagery associated with it.