Wednesday 18 June 2014

P2 Final design analysis

My character has been stylized is relation to his characteristics. I have used a lot of straight lines and hard edges which reflect the attitude of the character. He is a very strong willed and determined character.  These hard lines also are because of his athletic qualities that are essential to his role in the animation. He is a dynamical stylized character who is created for action scenes and adventures.

I have created the body shape with short legs in comparison to the body and the head. Which is to reflect the hip hop style of the character. Resembling bboy characters. Also he is in urban styled clothes. A hoody and black jeans. These are fitted baggy to once again resonate with this hip hop stylized aspect of the show

Monday 16 June 2014

Scheduling research

This reasearch has shown me the difference in time that it makes to create different animations and how their different mediums vary the production time. Its seen that  feature length animations like Frozen can take 2 years where as others  like the Simpsons and Adventure time are reasonably complicated 2d cell animation they will take anything from 8-9 months to complete. Where as simpler animation styles like South Park has a production length of only 6 days

Thursday 5 June 2014

StoryBoard Analysis

Idustry standard?
I think on the most part my storyboard resembles some industry standard examples. Although some of the movement and artistic technique used in industry standard storyboards is higher than mine. Noticeably on scene 3 shot 2 the movement could de depicted better.
Most scenes display what is going on resonably clearly and all major actions can be seen and interpreted
Could they be given to an animator?
I believe an animator could successfully build an animation around these storyboard without any other sources.
I also this they express the thought care and efort put into them. Although sometimes with limited detail all the postioning, movement and camera angles have been considered carefully