Age- 6-15
Gender- both, but mostly male
Typical reader
Name- Josh
Typical day- Josh is 13 and goes to secondary school. He
wakes up at 7:30 to get to school for 9. He has time in the morning to watch tv
and he usually chooses to watch Cartoon Network. He is studying art, English,
maths, sciences, german and humanities. He finishes school at 3:35 and 2 days a
week has sports clubs after school. When he gets home from school he will
oftern watch cartoons but when the weather is nice he will go out and play with
his friends but he will need to be back for dinner. If he can he will choose to
watch tv after dinner at around 7pm. At this time he may choose to watch non
cartoons like wildlife programmes but will still check Cartoon Network to see
what is on. He will go to bed around 10pm on a school night and 11:30 latest on
a weekend
Hobbies and interests- He enjoys sports and playing with
friends. Sports cliubs take up 4-6 hours of his week every week. He also does a
lot of drawing and art at home as a hobbie. His favourite food is peperoni
pizza and chips He like Hip hop music and is interested in current hip hop

Spending Power- He gets and allowance from his parents which
is £25 a month and he has a paper round which he get £30 a month from. So his spending power is partly
reliant on his parents but he can also afford to pay for things he is
interested in and his parents wouldn’t be willing to buy for him.
Typical Media consumption-
He watches, on average 30 minutes of cartoons in the morning
and 1 – 3 hours of TV after school. He also plays on his play station. He likes
games like fifa 13 and Call Of Duty Modern Warfare and enjoys the social
multiplayer aspect to it.
The animation will appeal to him because it has similar
astatic appearance as the other media he likes. For example the 2d animations
on cartoon network and the graphic styles of b-boy characters which is a big
influence to the style of the cartoon. The comedy is specifically tailored for
his age group meaning he will find it humorous as well as entertaining.